

Minggu, 28 April 2013

English Grammar

The most basic of sentences is simple sentences. Simple because all elements within the sentence are part of the subject and the predicate. Subject is the spesific noun that is performing the action of main verb.
Predicate is consist of main verb and everything that goes with it. The main verb is simple predicate and if the main verb is added by everything that goes with it, it’s called complete predicate.
For example:
“The happy little  child kicked that gnome over the fence”.
The main subject is “child”, and “the happy little child” is the complete subject.
“Kick” is the simple predicate. That gnome is what he kick and over the fenci is where he kick. So  the complete predicate is “kicked that gnome over the fence”.
Simple sentences can get by without a subject or predicate.
Command is a sentence directed to second person. Who is it? yes, that is YOU. But, the “YOU” is taken out and implied.
For example:
“Kick that gnome over the fence”.
The simple predicate is “kick” and the complete predicate is “kick that gnome over the fence”. Who is the subject? Who actually be doing the kick? Yes. it’s you. So the really sentence is ”Hey, you, kick that gnome over the fence”. It is the command sentences, because it is telling you to do something. In this command sentence, subject “you” is implied.
The other example
Who kick that gnome over the fence? Cindy. The second sentences “Cindy” just one word, it is can called the complete sentences and the predicate is implied. The sentence is really say “Cindy kick that gnome over the fence.”

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