

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Collection of Elegies

Hermeneutika Hidup_oleh Marsigit
from the picture above I know hermeneutic life is life is translated and translated, interpreted and construed. as well as learning. so we must learn to translate each other and bersilaturahmi with each other. teachers translate students, students translate teachers , etc.. we can also bersilaturahmi with the English by translate it.

Elegi Ketika Sekali Lagi Pikiranku Tak Berdaya

If intuition is a mirage, a mirage is not necessarily intuition. If the Ethics and Aesthetics is a mirage, the mirage is not necessarily the Ethics and Aesthetics. If the superego is a mirage A mirage is not necessarily that the Superego. If it were reflected is mirage, the mirage that is not necessarily your shadow. If the mirage phenomenon is not necessarily that the mirage phenomenon. If Phenomena and Noumena is a mirage the mirage it is not necessarily Phenomena and Noumena. If Your Heart is a mirage, the mirage that is not necessarily the Heart.

when asked to the fate about mirage, he suggested to pray to God. However, when we pray, we should not think about anything else, including a mirage. because if we think of A, then our mind about B will die. The conclusion is man would not be able to solve the mystery of a mirage. The hearts and minds of men are also not able to reach it .

Elegi Meratapi Sang Ilmuwan Plagiat dan Guru Pemalsu PAK

today we often hear professors who plagiarism and teachers who faked PAK. but the essence of life was the ADA, MENGADA, and PENGADA. these three components form a series of inter-related. example is the teacher who has a degree, called the ADA, teaching activities is called MENGADA, and his works are called PENGADA.

if the teacher falsify PAK and professors do plagiarism, or everyone that cheat , that is the process to MENIADAKAN. because of all the evil would have revealed...

Elegi Memahami Elegi

students should obey the teacher, because the teachers are doing something for the good of his students. if the teacher told them to do the work, of course it will increase the knowledge of students. such as when a teacher told his students read Elegy, from there we will take a lot of lessons from philosophy to everyday life, and will also add a reference to make us more confident in each study.
do not be arrogant when you do not understand something and keep trying ..

Elegi Pemberontakan Para Obyek

one object is another object. while the subject is the master object, such as teachers is subject, and studentsis object, the car is a subject and motorcycle is object, parents is subject and children as objects,The object is weaker. none of the people who want to be an object. if we will be independent, we are the subject and desire to be independent is the object. This can be applied in the process of learning mathematics in the classroom. if students feel controlled by the teacher centered learning, the student may be subject and the desire for independence, became studrnt centered.

Elegi Pemberontakan Para Normatif

national exam is a test that is very ineffective and put pressure on the students. before the National Examination, students are required to be able to master certain subjects. but everyone has their talents and interests of each are different. but why do they have to do the same test? National Examination is a test to choose.Can an choose answer guarantees the competence of students? fraud also occurs in various places. The teachers preparing answer key, so that all students graduate. Our educational quality will be even less if this continues to be implemented.

 Elegi Menggapai Menilai Normatif

assessment and any dependent of the results of our efforts. if students are not willing to learn, do not want to read a book given his teacher, and did not want to tasks, should not be asking for the value of the "best". Moreover, forcing teachers to give the best value. it was a fair assessment must fit their respective competence. if students are forcing teachers to provide the best score, then the student is arrogant. arrogant will impede knowledge. for the required sincerity in doing things. because it is the highest valuation spiritual assessment.

Elegi Menggapai Tidak Risau

all the people it has little sense of worry in his heart. no heart Worried, Worry to be sick, Worry to be poor , worry because afraid forgeting something, Worry because not get a job, worry if haven't friends , worry to be bad, bad reputation Distressed, Distressed does not have, incompetent Distressed, Distressed bad reputation, worry if have not something , Distressed incompetent, Worried unusual, worry because have many sin, envy Distressed, Distressed unfair, self-esteem Distressed, needs Distressed, no role Distressed, worry does not have the right, wan-achievement Distressed, death Distressed, can not take care of property Distressed, Distressed does not get the recognition, Distressed and facing the future.

Distressed or worryed will disrupt our lives and make our hearts calm. therefore, pray to God that we are given the guidance.

 Elegi Menggapai Bahasa
To know the language we must understand the following. analogy unites mind and language. if an analogous concept, then one applies universally. example of analogy is if the paint cover the walls, then powder covers the skin, if the cup is a container of water, then the mouth is a sound container, etc.. univocal is a language that has similarities with other languages​​, for example one, siji, setunggal, and one, which means "one".

structure in the philosophy of open and closed, for example is if there is a structure open relationship with human nature, human controlling the nature , nature controlling human.

equivocal translate confusing things, such as "x" is 5 or 10. emblem is a symbol of everything. the semantic can describe philosophy, because it is critical. toutologi is true and contradictions are always wrong.

 If you want to read more, please read

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