

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Elegies collection

       Elegi Menggapai Pikiran Jernih
Philosophy is reflection of our mind. our mind is like a miror. If the miror is clear, our mind is clear too. Something that stopped we thimk is a myth and what we think now a logos. sometime, myth can disturb our mind and make it not clearly.
To make the clearity of our mind is not easy. The philoshopers have strunggled to earn it. They make a theory to find the clearity of their mind, for example socrates with critical thimking methods, Aguste Comte by making Comte Dam, Immanuel Kant by shinteztiyed resionalisme and empirichisme, etc. So, the clearity of mind is a estimology problem and the philoshopycal strunggle from begining to end
 Elegi Pemberontakan Para Beda 
Everything in the world is different. ontology, time, space, fate,think, talk, look, activity, dress, and feeling are also different. But, the differentce is often tyrannized by the authorities. In this article, that mean the authorities is the teacher. the teacher must realize that students is different of each other. there are smart student, diligent student, good student,creative student, student who are less intelligent,lazy, student that like mathematics, student that like drawing, sport, etc. It is a mistake if teacher want and treat the students same. the students have their talent, teacher just facilitate to developing

Elegi Sang Bagawat Menggapai Kesempatan

The authoritis is in a limbo, like being at a crossroads they are entitled to choose, maybe turn left, turn right, stright, left oblique, right oblique, etc. it is reflecting the way that will they choose. there are that confused, happy,don't care, etc. the authorities is the leader of students or the society. so his attitude is had to be followed by the public.
like the teacher, that choose to cover all the potential of the students. they are the teacher that always give task to the students, trensfer knowing to the students, make the students passive, think that they are smart, and let their students listen them talk in the class every meeting. Now is time to change that, realize that theacher is the facilitator of the students.

  Elegi Pertengkaran Antara Biasa dan Tidak Biasa

Usual and unusual is the thing that unavoidable in this life. usual and unusual like a container. the contain of usual is well, pray, honest, disciplined, consistent, commited, etc. the contain of unusual is lying, wicked, greedy, miserly, plagiarism, etc. But, people like to manipulating this contain, so they choose the wrong way.

Elegi Perbincangan Bukan Benar dan Bukan Salah

Not right and not false have member, for example situation, time, perception and logic. Actually I confuse with what the article mean. maybe it mean that in this world, there aren't right and false, so we can't judge or impose the students or everyone to do what we mean right or false.

    Elegi Seorang Hamba Menggapai Harmoni

Harmony is everything that we do to God, like study, work, do something base on sincerity to the God. Harmony cand find by faith to Allah SWT. Harmony is when we pray and we don't thinking other. disharmony is does not suitable with the allotment and atmosphere. for example is ,like to show up and talk undue. disharmony can cause by sickness.

     Elegi Konferensi Daerah Imajiner

Today many conferences about the nature of science held everywhere. But, just the experts, dignitaries, professors, and the intellectuals. ordinary people like traders, farmers, students, etc didn't have a chance to present this conference. whereas everyone have a view about the nature of science that different each other. for example to the students the nature of science is final examination (UNAS) because they think about it every time and make them stressed, it is different with the traders, they said that the nature of science is when their merchandise sold..

 Elegi Konferensi Patung Filsafat

from this article, i interest with the leader statue. i think that leader statue is like a government that force the community to carry out all policies. it is very disturbing the public and damning them. it also like a teacher that force the students to receive their knowledge, hearing they talk in the class every meeting, force the students to do the home work who very much and disproportionate, and not give students the opportunity to be active in the class. It's can make the students not develop and make them stressed. we must rebel this leader statues. so, in the next time teacher just facilitate the students, not lead them to do everything in the school.

  Elegi Menggapai Pondamen

article above discusses two mathematics, ie foundationalisme and intuitionisme. foundationalisme build mathematical by foundations such as geometry, set, measurement, or statistics. whereas intuitionisme no attention with the foundation, the beginning of mathematics is intuition.

 Elegi Menggapai Pikiran Ikhlas
Phioshopy is your question. phyloshopy is you. sincerity is your life and your science. we must know that Science knowledge capital, capital sincere sincere, capital guidance guidance, ask capitalized asked. knowledge seekers to become a good and successful, it must have all the capital.

Elegi Menggapai Bijak
we are faced with a different definition of wisely .wisely can be defined based on aesthetic, ethical and cultures that exist. the example is for the west,the wise is seeks knowledge, study, find a new one, making the anti-thesis, and perform synthetic. but the east said that wise is if he is able to give. Giving science, or give anithing that required by other person

Elegi Seorang Hamba Menggapai Keputusan

we are the decisions and in truth science adaah take bold decisions. but the decision was not easy, it takes a variety of considerations. to take a decision must first delete our prejudice.

         Elegi Pemberontakan Para Logos
           There are something that can't define by human or by logos, such as the definition of far, near, noumena, the begining, the end, etc. It is an intuition. intuition grow when we were a child. the other intuition is 2 concept for the kid. they don't know if 2 is the number after one and before 3, but that they know is his parent are two, his hand are two, his foot are two, etc.  but something intuition is ignore by many people. they teach the young with science concept, not intuition. 
                 Elegi Menggapai Karakter

sincerity, awareness, and attention is a unity in accepting the science. plus the value and also the response. science would be acceptable if it is beneficial for world and the hereafter, and can be accepted by us. Sincerity, awareness, attention, and response values ​​will form a character. new knowledge can change a person's character, this is called characterization. character will affect every speech, actions, and attitude.
             Elegi Menggapai Hakekat Senin
          There are many meanings of a word, such as "senin". "Senin" could mean the day after Tuesday and before Wednesday, the person's name, initial job, first day, activities at Monday, etc., depending on the context of the conversation. Because the true because of the ability to interpret the "Senin" is knowledge. People can describe something base on how deep their knowledge.

      Elegi Menggapai Sepi
something that looked deserted is not necessarily quiet, and vice versa. because maybe that the environment is quiet , but going crowd in our hearts. the truth deserted is when we pray without mentioning the word "I", but pray for all people, with a sincere heart and expect the pleasure of Allah SWT.
        Elegi Obrolan Filsafat ke Dua
a thing has a lot of meaning, can be seen from the order, how to call it, and so on. as a word or a name depending on space and time. the name also has a lot of meaning. parents usually give the child's name with a good meaning. but actually good name has no meaning if not followed by good behavior. best names belong to Allah SWT.
        Elegi Menggapai Bicara
language is speech, words, and writing. The language of life,. the nature of life is translated and translated. therefore, to learn the language we have to treat language as a living thing. we have to write, speak, speak, and reflect the language.

          Elegi Obrolan Filsafat
The philosophy able to discuss anything in different perspective. like the number 11 divided by 2, if It split longitudinally, the result is zero and if it split transversely, the result is 11. However, that caught my attention in this article are five times zero. If five is pillar of islam and zero is sincerity, so five times zero is one. if we run or do the pillar of islam with sincerity, so we will meet the one God, Allah SWT. The other is ten divide infinite number, your sins are forgiven. it is reflect if we have ten sin and seek forgiveness as infinite times, so Allah SWT will forgive us.
A hundred rank zero is you get to meet your god. If zero Is sincerity,whatever your power, you will get the glory in the Lord. And than the power of negative half which likens false power that owned by corruptor. because corruptor using his position is not for the welfare of the people, but to satisfy his own needs.

      Elegi Menggapai Paradoks Tukang Cukur
Have strong principles that are very important. if we are talking about something, think about it first. Do not prohibit, while our own doing. like the barber who said that he did not want to shave those who shave themselves. when he shaves himself. so he can not shave himself. because the barber shaves only those who do not shave themselves. And he should not shave someone else, because he has to shave himself

elegies collection

1.     Elegi Silaturahim Matematika

this article, i know the content and parts of mathematics and the inventor . but I am interested in the math 20, math is subjective and objective.because it turns out that math is inside and outside of ourselves. if we want to learn math we can approach or mathematics in the objective.mathematics learning should begin with awareness and sincerity of our study of the mathematics. Subjective mathematics are mathematical theories and formulas that are to be applied

2. Elegi Menyesali Rumahku Yang Terlalu Besar

The reality in our country or maybe our world is people are no longer concerned with religion. even some who embrace atheism.  now people are busy with work and entertainment. it is strongly supported by the development of technology. because society is not ready for a major change, then they are not able to adjust. The most important thing is the religious life and worship God, but not for the moment, the most important thing is working. so many entertainment venues and skycrapers buildings are constructed , but the construction of the mosque is very less and too simple. sometimes we see the phenomenon that the mosque is not treated and rarely used,

2.     Elegi Ritual Ikhlas IV: Menemukan Ruh

Muhammad is the role model all Muslims. he was given the glory of Allah and away from sin. all behavior is exemplary good behavior by all humans. Every Muslim wants to be with him someday. But to seeing muhammad SAW directly  is impossible for anyone living in today. but be sure  we can always close to  (  prophet Muhammad SAW soul). the spirit of the prophet muhammad is light. if we want to see it was only to do with the purity and sincerity heart.
3.     Elegi Bagawat Selatan Mengaji Jalaliyyah dan Jamaliyyah Wujud Allah
The realization of Allah SWT will never be able to be seen by human. Allah SWT is different to all creatures. But we must believe that God exists and lives is a gift from Allah. man believes Allah through nature of jalalliyah and jamaliyah . jalalliyah are we doing as a servant. jalajiyah to be able to believe it, we have to careful purification. jamaliyah beings is the beauty of God's nature, pleasure and sustenance given by God to us, compassion, etc. we must be grateful for this, the way is to run the commands of Allah and stay away from the ban.
4.     Elegi Menggapai Dimensi
Rocks, plants and human beings are created by each nature. stone can not move and it's inanimate objects, plants can grow but can not move freely, animals can grow and move freely but do not have a mind, and a man is made perfectly, can grow and have a mind.

but there is a distinction between human beings with each other, namely science and conscience. human that have sciences have a higher position than the man who had not science. human that have much science can employ people and pay them . It would be a noble human being knowledgeable and conscience, the man who always draw closer to God and doing everything for the good of the world and the hereafter. Because the highest qodrat is Allah SWT.

5.     Elegi Menggapai Kenyataan

According to monistic reality is whatever we do does not go unnoticed God. the universe and its contents have unity with Allah SWT. we believe God exists everywhere and everything is sacred.
From the point of view of a pluralistic, according to plato reality is monad monad and reflecting the entire reality. by Democritus reality is atomic that colorless and odorless, conscience is also an atom.
from the point of view of duality, a reality defined as soul, ideas, and power of God.

6.     Elegi Menggapai Lengkap

Humans have limitations in thinking about everything. therefore, in addition there is also a method of thinking, complete and reduction. for example the teacher and lecturer, who was supposed to have completeness pretty, smart, skinny, etc., but the only judge them from their teaching competence. students who are equipped with beauty, rich, poor, etc. but only assessed on their learning competencies and the value of the test. An example is when we pray, then we have to reduce other thoughts and focus on God.
The best reduction is fit by space and time. and completely is our desire.
reduction is necessary, but we must be careful. reduce only the things that do not need!!
7.     Elegi Menggapai Mengada dan Pengada
making cause there and result the maker . if we are proud of what has been there, then we will not try to invent so beings did not exist. for example when there is a party. it's a sign he was satisfied with the situation. for students and teachers, it is necessary existence, which is to create works that cause it to become maker.
8.     Elegi Menggapai Pengetahuan Obyektif
In this article we are told that knowledgeone of the conduct of wandering out of the subjectone. wanderings is meaning the search for knowledge in order to be good and acceptable to the whole subject. Initially he was in protest to all objects because of the perception, analysis, thesis, opinions, methods and his conclusions are wrong. then he started improve his perception, analysis, thesis, opinions, methods and conclusions to be correct and acceptable whole subject.
9.     Elegi Menggapai Kategori
Immanuel Kant argued that , human thought is divided into categories. The categories that will help you in acquiring knowledge. there are four categories, quantity, quality, relation and modality. each has three aspects. quantitative categories include universal (covering everything), particular (association) and singular (standalone). Qualitative categories are affirmative (sentence or question that consists of a subject or a predicate that is positive), negation ( deny nature) and infinite (unlimited nature). category relationship is consists of a category (to distinguish it with another one), hypothetical (if there is a cause for effect) and community (interaction between active and passive).
The latter is the category of modality, consisting of probability, asertorik and apodictic. probability is something that is possible and not possible, and always look for relative certainty. asertorik is between no and no. And then apodictic, ie for the terms of the occurrence of something based on consistency or layman call it math.
10. Elegi Konferensi Kebenaran
Human heart will always seek the truth. human heart is just one, but many things that make the human heart whispering the wrongness. the things that make a man's heart dirty is it's own filth. devil cause heart dirty, as like make the heart envy, jealousy, lie and it's against the truth. the real foulness heart caused by the temptation of devil. There are a lot of devils and always try to tempt the human heart. Now come to seek refuge in Allah from devil's temptation, because absolute truth belongs only to Allah SWT.
11. Elegi Konferensi Para Keliru
There are various ways of assessing the mistake. The first is the generalization the mistakes, which is a mistake some people are concluded to be everyone's fault. for example, if many of the corrupt Indonesian officials and generalized that all the Indonesian corruptor.
The  specific mistake is if there is something, not necessarily in it to feel. for example when said this prosperous country, not necessarily all of the people rich. there is also the mistake that cause of the same sound, mistake cause forgetting, logic errors, commitment, perceptions, actions, methods, intentions, individual, collective, and so on.
mistakes will continue to tempt people, then get to know all kinds of mistakes. Prayed to Allah SWT to always be guided on the path of truth.

12. Elegi Konferensi Para Beda
The teachers must understand that his students are different from one and other. there are students who are good, some are less intelligent. there are students who like math, there are also students who do not like math. Some are gifted in music, some are not. so teachers should not treat students the same way, for example, assume all students liked math. or teaching quickly because smart kids can understand.

13. Elegi Perbincangan Para Tepat
There are a variety of accuracy, such as timeliness, accuracy in selecting, space accuracy, precision liver, etc.. an accuracy has infinite possibilities, so that to choose something right is not easy. accuracy of human beings is the relative accuracy. absolute accuracy belongs to Allah SWT.
14. Elegi Perbincangan Para Sama
Everything in this world is different or the same depending on who is looking.The reality, everything is different, but in the presence of Allah SWT, human beings are equal, have the same obligation to worship, and have the same degree. for it, let's compete in the goodness..

elegies collection

1.     Elegi Silaturahim Matematika

this article, i know the content and parts of mathematics and the inventor . but I am interested in the math 20, math is subjective and objective.because it turns out that math is inside and outside of ourselves. if we want to learn math we can approach or mathematics in the objective.mathematics learning should begin with awareness and sincerity of our study of the mathematics. Subjective mathematics are mathematical theories and formulas that are to be applied

2. Elegi Menyesali Rumahku Yang Terlalu Besar

The reality in our country or maybe our world is people are no longer concerned with religion. even some who embrace atheism.  now people are busy with work and entertainment. it is strongly supported by the development of technology. because society is not ready for a major change, then they are not able to adjust. The most important thing is the religious life and worship God, but not for the moment, the most important thing is working. so many entertainment venues and skycrapers buildings are constructed , but the construction of the mosque is very less and too simple. sometimes we see the phenomenon that the mosque is not treated and rarely used,

2.     Elegi Ritual Ikhlas IV: Menemukan Ruh

Muhammad is the role model all Muslims. he was given the glory of Allah and away from sin. all behavior is exemplary good behavior by all humans. Every Muslim wants to be with him someday. But to seeing muhammad SAW directly  is impossible for anyone living in today. but be sure  we can always close to  (  prophet Muhammad SAW soul). the spirit of the prophet muhammad is light. if we want to see it was only to do with the purity and sincerity heart.
3.     Elegi Bagawat Selatan Mengaji Jalaliyyah dan Jamaliyyah Wujud Allah
The realization of Allah SWT will never be able to be seen by human. Allah SWT is different to all creatures. But we must believe that God exists and lives is a gift from Allah. man believes Allah through nature of jalalliyah and jamaliyah . jalalliyah are we doing as a servant. jalajiyah to be able to believe it, we have to careful purification. jamaliyah beings is the beauty of God's nature, pleasure and sustenance given by God to us, compassion, etc. we must be grateful for this, the way is to run the commands of Allah and stay away from the ban.
4.     Elegi Menggapai Dimensi
Rocks, plants and human beings are created by each nature. stone can not move and it's inanimate objects, plants can grow but can not move freely, animals can grow and move freely but do not have a mind, and a man is made perfectly, can grow and have a mind.

but there is a distinction between human beings with each other, namely science and conscience. human that have sciences have a higher position than the man who had not science. human that have much science can employ people and pay them . It would be a noble human being knowledgeable and conscience, the man who always draw closer to God and doing everything for the good of the world and the hereafter. Because the highest qodrat is Allah SWT.

5.     Elegi Menggapai Kenyataan

According to monistic reality is whatever we do does not go unnoticed God. the universe and its contents have unity with Allah SWT. we believe God exists everywhere and everything is sacred.
From the point of view of a pluralistic, according to plato reality is monad monad and reflecting the entire reality. by Democritus reality is atomic that colorless and odorless, conscience is also an atom.
from the point of view of duality, a reality defined as soul, ideas, and power of God.

6.     Elegi Menggapai Lengkap

Humans have limitations in thinking about everything. therefore, in addition there is also a method of thinking, complete and reduction. for example the teacher and lecturer, who was supposed to have completeness pretty, smart, skinny, etc., but the only judge them from their teaching competence. students who are equipped with beauty, rich, poor, etc. but only assessed on their learning competencies and the value of the test. An example is when we pray, then we have to reduce other thoughts and focus on God.
The best reduction is fit by space and time. and completely is our desire.
reduction is necessary, but we must be careful. reduce only the things that do not need!!
7.     Elegi Menggapai Mengada dan Pengada
making cause there and result the maker . if we are proud of what has been there, then we will not try to invent so beings did not exist. for example when there is a party. it's a sign he was satisfied with the situation. for students and teachers, it is necessary existence, which is to create works that cause it to become maker.
8.     Elegi Menggapai Pengetahuan Obyektif
In this article we are told that knowledgeone of the conduct of wandering out of the subjectone. wanderings is meaning the search for knowledge in order to be good and acceptable to the whole subject. Initially he was in protest to all objects because of the perception, analysis, thesis, opinions, methods and his conclusions are wrong. then he started improve his perception, analysis, thesis, opinions, methods and conclusions to be correct and acceptable whole subject.
9.     Elegi Menggapai Kategori
Immanuel Kant argued that , human thought is divided into categories. The categories that will help you in acquiring knowledge. there are four categories, quantity, quality, relation and modality. each has three aspects. quantitative categories include universal (covering everything), particular (association) and singular (standalone). Qualitative categories are affirmative (sentence or question that consists of a subject or a predicate that is positive), negation ( deny nature) and infinite (unlimited nature). category relationship is consists of a category (to distinguish it with another one), hypothetical (if there is a cause for effect) and community (interaction between active and passive).
The latter is the category of modality, consisting of probability, asertorik and apodictic. probability is something that is possible and not possible, and always look for relative certainty. asertorik is between no and no. And then apodictic, ie for the terms of the occurrence of something based on consistency or layman call it math.
10. Elegi Konferensi Kebenaran
Human heart will always seek the truth. human heart is just one, but many things that make the human heart whispering the wrongness. the things that make a man's heart dirty is it's own filth. devil cause heart dirty, as like make the heart envy, jealousy, lie and it's against the truth. the real foulness heart caused by the temptation of devil. There are a lot of devils and always try to tempt the human heart. Now come to seek refuge in Allah from devil's temptation, because absolute truth belongs only to Allah SWT.
11. Elegi Konferensi Para Keliru
There are various ways of assessing the mistake. The first is the generalization the mistakes, which is a mistake some people are concluded to be everyone's fault. for example, if many of the corrupt Indonesian officials and generalized that all the Indonesian corruptor.
The  specific mistake is if there is something, not necessarily in it to feel. for example when said this prosperous country, not necessarily all of the people rich. there is also the mistake that cause of the same sound, mistake cause forgetting, logic errors, commitment, perceptions, actions, methods, intentions, individual, collective, and so on.
mistakes will continue to tempt people, then get to know all kinds of mistakes. Prayed to Allah SWT to always be guided on the path of truth.

12. Elegi Konferensi Para Beda
The teachers must understand that his students are different from one and other. there are students who are good, some are less intelligent. there are students who like math, there are also students who do not like math. Some are gifted in music, some are not. so teachers should not treat students the same way, for example, assume all students liked math. or teaching quickly because smart kids can understand.

13. Elegi Perbincangan Para Tepat
There are a variety of accuracy, such as timeliness, accuracy in selecting, space accuracy, precision liver, etc.. an accuracy has infinite possibilities, so that to choose something right is not easy. accuracy of human beings is the relative accuracy. absolute accuracy belongs to Allah SWT.
14. Elegi Perbincangan Para Sama
Everything in this world is different or the same depending on who is looking.The reality, everything is different, but in the presence of Allah SWT, human beings are equal, have the same obligation to worship, and have the same degree. for it, let's compete in the goodness..