

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Pshycology of Student

I work with teacher and I teach teacher. I ask the question, because  I was curious, “ Do you believe that there is every children who can’t be helped?” I honesty that not expect anyone to rise his hand. But every time I ask a group of teacher there is one of teachers rise his hand, so he ask, you know? There are seem children who are simply can’t be helped.
            Waaw, if you believe that someone can’t be helped, everything stops, I mean that you don’t even try. you harming the children and you contributing the motion of that they having achievement, having purpose, and survive. You harming them, if you believe that someone can’t be helped.
            I have brother. He is 5 years old when my whole family move to other state. There, the language is different. My brother can’t speak English at all. He couldn’t comunicate very well. The teacher confusing and can’t do something because the difference language among them. So teachers present my mother and asked my mother to practice the English with my brother. my mother always strengthens mental and assured him that he could have a bright dream. He just can’t speak English very well.
When He is study in junior high school, there is one teacher who had discover that my brother is actually genius. He is warming up the hole house with microfon when he is 12 years old.It’s amazing. And his teacher ask him to be the teaching assistant. My brother said,”what? me? teaching assistant? I’m not good student. But the teacher still makes him an teaching assistant .
He’s the first teacher who believe my brother and help him. And than my brother finish junior and senior high school and continued his study in collage. He choose engineering study programe. He working with computer, software, hardware, and other. He’s amazing, briliant young man. I believe it’s because one teacher who believe him, help him and sure that my brother can do something.
I believe that anyone can be helped, someone can be helped, and anything can helps. So, If you’re look at around the world, you would find anything and any single thing that helps someone. Like your chair, helps you because it give you something to sit down or your carpet that make your room look pleasure or the light that helps you when you’re reading in the dark.
I can’t find something that doesn’t help. So, i challenge you to looking anyway on the whole life and find something and anything that doesn’t help someone or somebody.

English Grammar

The most basic of sentences is simple sentences. Simple because all elements within the sentence are part of the subject and the predicate. Subject is the spesific noun that is performing the action of main verb.
Predicate is consist of main verb and everything that goes with it. The main verb is simple predicate and if the main verb is added by everything that goes with it, it’s called complete predicate.
For example:
“The happy little  child kicked that gnome over the fence”.
The main subject is “child”, and “the happy little child” is the complete subject.
“Kick” is the simple predicate. That gnome is what he kick and over the fenci is where he kick. So  the complete predicate is “kicked that gnome over the fence”.
Simple sentences can get by without a subject or predicate.
Command is a sentence directed to second person. Who is it? yes, that is YOU. But, the “YOU” is taken out and implied.
For example:
“Kick that gnome over the fence”.
The simple predicate is “kick” and the complete predicate is “kick that gnome over the fence”. Who is the subject? Who actually be doing the kick? Yes. it’s you. So the really sentence is ”Hey, you, kick that gnome over the fence”. It is the command sentences, because it is telling you to do something. In this command sentence, subject “you” is implied.
The other example
Who kick that gnome over the fence? Cindy. The second sentences “Cindy” just one word, it is can called the complete sentences and the predicate is implied. The sentence is really say “Cindy kick that gnome over the fence.”

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Pancasila Sebagai Alat Pemersatu Bangsa

Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku bangsa, bahasa, agama, dan kebudayaan. Untuk mempersatukan semua itu, maka diperlukan suatu alat pemersatu yaitu pencasila. Tentu saja, bangsa Indonesia sudah tidak asing lagi dengan semboyan bangsa Indonesia, yaitu “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”, yang artinya “walaupun berbeda-beda, tetapi tetap satu jua.”
Ironisnya, yang terjadi adalah kebudayaan Pancasila kian lama kian memudar. Bangsa Indonesia khususnya generasi muda tidak lagi mengemalkan pancasila. Kok jangankan mengamalkan hafal butir-butir pancasila saja belum tentu. Kalau hafal saja tidak, membaca dan mendalami pancasila juga tidak mau, tentu mustahil untuk dapat membudayakan pancasila. Akibatnya, terjadi berbagai penyimpangan nilai Pancasila, seperti kericuhan antar umat beragama, tawuran antar suku, trawuran pelajar, penegakan hukum yang lemah, berbagai permasalahan ekonomi, kesenjangan antar daerah, dsb.
Tulisan ini akan lebih menekankan pada aspek sila pertama, yaitu Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Esensinya adalah semua warga Indonesia diwajibkan memiliki satu agama, dan tentunya agama satu tidak boleh mencampuri urusan agama yang lain. Selain itu, antar umat beragama hendaknya saling menghormati. Akan tetapi yang sering kita dengar saat ini adalah pertentangan antar agama, perusakan tempat ibadah, muncul ajaran sesat, dsb. Bahkan dalam satu agama yang sama, satu Tuhan yang sama, saling bermusuhan dengan dalih perbedaan aliran yang dianut.
Untuk dapat kembali mempersatukan antar umat beragama dan membudayakan pancasila, perlu dilatih sejak dini. Penanaman pendidikan karakter, baik di lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat dan sekolah harus benar-benar dilaksanakan. Guru (khususnya guru PKN atau Pancasila) hendaknya tidak hanya mengajarkan materi tanpa memberikan bukti atau contoh bagaimana bertindak sesuai Pancasila. Perlu juga ditunjukkan fenomena pelanggaran nilai pancasila yang telah terjadi serta memberikan solusinya agar siswa menghindari perilaku menyimpang tersebut.