

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

English is you and the language is life

In study english we must have a desire or we can call it “will”. “Will” is decided into two attitudes, the trust and positive thinking. We must think that many of the benefits can we get from learning English.
English is us. We are the actor from all activity that we do. The teacher will not give us knowledge, but ourselves must seek that knowledge. One of the way of learning English is reading Mr. Marsigit’s blog, and than we will be able to rewrite the material with our own words.
Language is life. So there are characteristic of life, for example speaking, writing, hearing, translating, reflecting, recording, answering the question, looking for difficult word, and collecting verb. To understand the language, we must implement it in our daily life. So, starting from now, we must try speaking in English and write everything that we think in English. That’s the key to learn a language.
There are many rules in english. Sentences in  English can be changed of form based on the time. So tenses mastery is essential to implement good and right English. There are important something to understand about english, for example structure, grammar, tenses, noun, adjective, adverb, preposition, and idiom:
Ø  Tenses
A.    Present
1.    Simple present tense, for example: I read your message.
2.     Simple present continous tense, for example: I’m reading your message
3.    Simple present perfect tense, for example: I have read your message.
4.     Simple present perfect continous tense, for example: I have been reading your message.
B.     Past
1.      Simple Past tense, for example: I read your message.
2.      Simple Past continous tense, for example: I was reading your message.
3.      Simple Past perfect tense, for example: I had read your message.
4.      Simple Past perfect continous tense, for example: I had been reading your message.
C.     Future
1.      Simple future tense, for examle: I will read your message.
2.      Simple Future continous tense, for example: I will be reading your message.
3.      Simple future perfect tense, for example: I will have read your message
4.      Simple future perfect continous tense, for example: I will have been reading your message.
Ø  Idiom
Ex: “let” in indonesian is “biarkan”, but “don’t let me down” in Indonesian is “jangan kecewakan saya”, not “jangan biarkan saya turun”.
Ø  Verbs are divided into two, that is regular verbs and irregular verbs
The example of regular verb is  allow, enjoy, grab, injure, etc.
The example of irregular verb is: buy, write, find, build, cut, etc.
Ø  Adjective
Adjective use very simple rule. We can use linking verb.
 clever, cleverer, cleverest
Beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful
Difficult, more difficult, most difficult.
Ø  Diffrence to and too
Too much to do = terlalu banyak untuk dikerjakan
Too high to climb= terlalu tinggi untuk dipanjat
Ø  If there are two verbs in a sentence, we can use to infinitive or _ing form. Ex:
Stop smoking = berhenti merokok
Stop to smooke= berhenti untuk merokok
So we can conclude that one of way to collecting  vocabs and understanding grammar is reading articles and then reflecting it on our own words. However, the most important is that we must implement English in our daily life. “English is you and the language is life.”

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