The problem of mathematics teaching is the teachers aren’t able to innovate math. Currently,
the mathod that applied is teacher centered method. Based
on the result of Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A’s research,
theory, and philosophy of teaching
, this method reflects the traditional method of teaching learning of
mathematics. We can identify the
characteristic of students behavior and teacher behavior based on this
traditional method. The students learn math passively . Usually when
the teacher explains the subject matter, the students feel bored and sleepy.
There will different characteristics
with the innovative teaching and learning of mathematics. That’s why our
lecturer complete his lecture by asking us to reflect this class
session. In this
innovative method, there are more
various activities,
various method, resources, and
experiment. An example from this innovative methods is study from web blog and reflect it in other
language (English or Indonesian). It can
develop ourselves, especially
to improve our English
In traditional method of teaching and
learning, teachers don’t trust the ability of
their students. They always transfer
of knowledge to their students. The teachers feel to have an obligation to
deliver methods and to deliver his knowledge to their students. So students become
like an empty vessel.
In the innovative methods, the teachers
trust if their students not only wait for transfering of knowledge from him, but also
they have an ability to study from anywhere and anytime. Here teachers just
facilitate their students, not the centered of this teaching and learning
process. The students are to be perceived as seed own knowledge.
In fact, it isn’t easy to implement this
innovation method of teaching. Because, our culture actually reflect the
traditional method. Began in
colonial times to the kingdom still influence
the behavior of teachers and
parents. We should teach our younger
to learn anything, but it should be adjusted when it is time to learn mathematics, religious, general knowledge, etc. The learning methods should also be variously, so the younger don’t get bored.
problems of education came from adults and not from
the young. If
the student has a
problem, it could be her teacher
who has a problem. Teacher forces the students to receive knowledge
as it exists in his mind. Whereas in the present age, we can learn from
anywhere, such as from internet. But why is our learning process so scary
and stressful?
We must realize that not all knowledge comes from the teacher. So that, in the
learning process , the situation is unpredictable. Students can ask anything outside
what they learn in school.
From now on,
we have to be prepared to be innovative people, start looking for a quality readings, kontenporer, and so on. It is
impiortant for us to know, to read, to learn the nature of all aspect of
teaching learning of mathematics. e.g:
1. The
nature of school mathematics
2. The
nature of students learning of
3. The
nature of learning resources
4. And
so on
there are two mathematics,
formal mahematics and school mathematics. Formal mahematics can be said as axiomatic mathematics or pure mathematics. It is the
mathematics for university level. School mathematics according to Ebbut and
Staler (1995), indicated that (1) mathematics is a search of pattern and
relationship, (2) mathematics is a problem solving activity, (3) mathematics is
an investigation activity. (4) mathematics
is mean of communication. The school mathematics is for pre-elementary,
for elementary school, and for junior high school. If in the school there aren’t a search of pattern and
relationship, problem solving activity, an investigation activity, and
communication,it isn’t mathematics lesson.
Mathematics is mean of communication, what does it mean?
Supposed if the students study mathematics, they
will be more intelligent to communicates, smart to lecturing,
and so on. But the fact is not like that. For example is a student elementary
school. When he was first class, he was very cheerful, happy, and a
lot of talk. When the second
grade, he was cheerful, happy and a bit of
talking, until the sixth grade she was not cheerful, not
happy, talk less and
setres because facing the exam. It is
the fault of the teachers and the system, because they apply axiomatic mathematics or pure
mathematics to
elementary school students. So, it is
very important to understang the kind of mathematics.
The ilustration of position of the
different mathematics based of teaching the matter of pure mathematics is “Ice
Berg of Mathematics”. Ice berg of mathematics
according to prudential realistic
mathematics, divided into four
1. Concret
is the lowest position in Ice Berg of Mathematics. Concret
mathematics describes a real object, such as a
tree, a bottle, etc.
2. Model
Concret Mathematics
discribes about a model of real object, such as a picture of a tree,
a bottle, candy, etc.
The model formal
use picture or an ilustration to explain mathematics.
4. Formal
mathematics is the highest level of ice berg of mathematics. The
mathematical calculations performed direct with
numbers. for example:
+ 2 = 5
School mathematics involves
three steps school mathematics involves
three steps, concret
mathematics, model concret mathematics, and model formal. So the
mathematics for pre-elementary
children do not directly introduced
to the formal mathematics. Number
two concepts can
be introduced by asking the number of hands, number of legs, etc.
concept of big and small,
love, empathy, and the two concepts in young
children is an intuition. It cann’t all be explained
by mathematics. The problem education now is the childrens have lost their intuition, as a result happened conflict
between students, corruption,
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